Dominant Performances by U.S. Athletes at Stifel-Backed Competitions

By Published On: May 9th, 2024Comments Off on Dominant Performances by U.S. Athletes at Stifel-Backed Competitions

Featured image: Mikaela Shiffrin Credit: GEPA

The Stifel U.S. Ski Team athletes achieved numerous milestones during the 2023-24 season. The winter had record-setting successes, first-time accomplishments and many other exciting moments to applaud. 

The commitment of the athletes on the team was evident in all sports. Stifel Financial Corp. (NYSE: SF), the title sponsor of the Stifel U.S. Ski Team, hosted several top competitions where the athletes shined. The firm highlights a few of the standout achievements from the athletes on the Stifel U.S. Ski team at some of the Stifel-hosted competitions from this season. 

Alpine Ski Racing 

Mikaela Shiffrin’s 90th World Cup Win 

At the Stifel Killington Cup in November of the 2023-24 season, Mikaela Shiffrin and Slovakian Petra Vlhová were neck-and-neck during the slalom race, and it was a nail-biter to the end. 

Even with Vlhová throwing down a seemingly unbeatable second run and taking the lead, Shiffrin delivered a remarkable performance for the win and claimed her 90th World Cup victory. This was Shiffrin’s sixth Killington World Cup slalom victory and the 55th slalom win of her career. 

The race was exhilarating and the crowd’s enthusiasm was a highlight of the season. Shiffrin, in particular, feeds off the electrifying energy of the crowd at Killington, which fuels her skiing performance.

Shiffrin stated, “The crowd really, really helps me here. It is amazing to come over this pitch. I say it every year, I say it every year, but it’s so loud, and I can hear them cheering at every split where the intermediate times are.” She continued, “Every time I pass one, I hear them get louder, and I’m like, oh man, I don’t know if I’m ahead or behind, but either way, I’ve got to push. So, it’s amazing to ski with that kind of energy.”

Despite her initial doubts, Shiffrin’s victory over Vlhová was made even more special, resulting in a record-breaking accomplishment.

River Radamus’s Inaugural World Cup Podium on Home Soil

The Stifel Palisades Tahoe Cup held in February was a thrilling competition in North America. Racers battled it out to climb the leaderboard in the World Cup giant slalom event.

Marco Odermatt triumphed in the event, marking his seventh consecutive win in giant slalom. This impressive performance also earned the Swiss athlete the World Cup overall title. Despite facing tough competition from Norwegian Henrik Kristofferson and Stifel U.S. Ski Team’s River Radamus, who both completed two successful runs and secured spots on the podium.

It was Radamus’s first career World Cup podium and the first U.S. men’s giant slalom podium since Tommy Ford’s second place in Santa Caterina, Italy, on Dec. 7th, 2020.

Radamus stated, “It’s been a long time coming,” said he continued, “I’ve wanted to feel what this moment feels like for so long, and I’ve just kept working and working and working.”

It was a landmark moment for Radamus and the men’s Stifel U.S. Ski Team group. 

Other U.S. Achievements for the Stifel U.S. Ski Team

USA Triple Sweep in the Freeski Halfpipe at Copper Mountain

The U.S. Toyota Grand Prix Freeski Halfpipe competition showcased tremendous talent, especially from the USA men. Two-time Olympic medalist Alex Ferreira led the charge with an outstanding first run that other competitors couldn’t surpass. It was his third consecutive victory. 

Stifel U.S. Ski Team members Hunter Hess and Birk Irving delivered outstanding performances that nearly matched their compatriot’s showing, securing spots on the podium.

After achieving the first place finish, Ferreira stated, “Pure euphoria. I am so grateful to be healthy, happy and skiing well. It is the most beautiful thing in the world to see all of your hard work unfold in front of your eyes. Wow, I am just blown away.” 

Women Mogul Athletes Take the Top Two Spots in Deer Valley 

Olivia Giaccio and Jaelin Kauf of the Stifel U.S. Ski Team made history by clinching the top two spots at the Intermountain Health Freestyle International World Cup in the single Moguls event at Deer Valley Resort in Utah. This achievement marked the first time in more than ten years that USA athletes secured the first and second positions in a mogul World Cup competition. 

Giaccio made history by winning the competition with a cork 1080, which is at the highest set degree of difficulty. 

Giaccio stated, “Taking the win on home soil with a 10 is a dream come true, so I am very excited.” 

Schumacher Becomes Youngest U.S. Athlete to Win World Cup Cross-Country Race

The Stifel U.S. Ski Team collaborated with nonprofit organizations, The Loppet Foundation 501(c)(3) and Share Winter Foundation (Share Winter), to bring the Coop FIS Cross Country World Cup back to the United States for the first time in two decades. 

The Stifel Loppet Cup’s success was notable, and excitement continued to elevate as U.S. athletes shined throughout the competitions, with two Americans gracing the podium, including Olympic Champion and Stifel athlete, Jessie Diggins. 

Gus Schumacher, a talented young athlete from the Stifel U.S. Ski Team, made history by becoming the youngest U.S. athlete to win a World Cup cross-country ski race.

The lights-out performance in the 10km skate race marked the first male athlete from the U.S. to win a distance cross-country World Cup event in over 40 years. 

“It is hard to believe, and I am so grateful for this whole team and everyone being here,” Schumacher said, post-race. “It feels like it represents such a big thing for our team. I love doing this with these guys, and I hope this is the first of many.” 

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