Lucas Pinheiro Braathen Celebrates Another Successful Edition of the LUCI Foundation’s ‘Lucas Braathen Race Camp’ in Oslo

By Published On: June 26th, 2024Comments Off on Lucas Pinheiro Braathen Celebrates Another Successful Edition of the LUCI Foundation’s ‘Lucas Braathen Race Camp’ in Oslo

Press Release Provided by: Team Pinheiro Brazil, Images provided by Lemos Media.

Lucas Pinheiro Braathen has just wrapped up the fourth edition of the LUCI Foundation’s ‘Lucas Braathen Race Camp’ (LBRC) from June 21st – 23rd 2024 at the Snø indoor ski center in Oslo, Norway. This annual event, hosted by the dynamic skiing talent and his father, Bjorn, continues to grow in impact and reach.

Launched in 2021, the LUCI Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to making sports accessible to all children, regardless of their financial circumstances. By raising funds through events like the LBRC, the foundation aims to lower the barriers to entry for young children who are unable to cover the ever-increasing costs to partake in the sport of their choice. “Inclusivity is the cornerstone of our mission,” says Lucas, “and we are committed to ensuring that every child has the chance to experience the joy and benefits of sports.”

The Lucas Braathen Race Camp. Photo provided by Team Pinheiro Brazil/Lemos Media.

This year’s camp was a resounding success, bringing together 60 children from across the globe, including Dubai, the USA, Germany, and the Netherlands. 

The participants shared their passion for the sport and formed lasting memories. The dedication and hard work of the entire team, partners and parents made these three days truly special.

Lucas himself is continually amazed by the progress and enthusiasm he witnesses at each camp. “It’s incredibly rewarding to see the smiles on the kids’ faces,” he shares. “Their joy and the friendships they form here are what this camp is all about.”

The impact of the camp extends beyond just the slopes. One parent commented, “The friendships my child has made here are priceless. This camp is about more than just skiing; it’s about building a supportive community.”

As the LUCI Foundation looks forward to future editions of the camp, Lucas and Bjorn remain committed to their mission of inclusivity in sports, creating opportunities for children from all walks of life to chase their dreams and have sport be a part of their lives.

The Lucas Braathen Race Camp. Photo provided by Team Pinheiro Brazil/Lemos Media.

We owe a special thanks to Atomic, Oakley, SNØ, and Rema 1000 for their involvement in the camp. The support of these kind partners is what allows the camp to happen and gives us the chance to raise funds for the kids that need it.

Raphaela Ossberger, Sports Marketing Manager Alpine at Atomic, had nothing but kind words to say. “It was – once again – amazing to see so many excited kids with big smiles and sparkles in their eyes taking their skiing to the next level with the help of Lucas and his team. The vibes and energy over those three days at Snø were impressive and actually pretty darn unique. We are beyond proud to have such a dedicated athlete like Lucas in our Atomic Family, sharing his passion for racing with the next generation of talents.”

The Lucas Braathen Race Camp. Photo provided by Team Pinheiro Brazil/Lemos Media.

Luca Magni, Global Sports Marketing at Oakley, had equally great things to add. “The Lucas Braathen Racing Camp has been an incredible opportunity for young racers to hone their skills and learn from the best. At Oakley, we are proud to support this camp and the next generation of ski champions. Working closely with Lucas and his Luci Foundation allows us to offer a transformative weekend of training and mentorship, inspiring young athletes to reach new heights in their skiing journeys and in life.”

Vidar Riseth, Head of Sponsorship Rema 1000, loved their first year supporting the race camp. “REMA 1000 is proud to be part of the Lucas Braathen Racing Camp. We have been given the opportunity to join the inclusive ski-community that Lucas creates for these children. He is such a great role-model in so many ways for these kids. Also, when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle, REMA 1000 is happy to provide fruits, vegetables, and smoothies for the active children between their training sessions. We look forward to the important role Luci Foundation will have for kids in the future!”

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