Approved 2024-25 NorAm Calendar

By Published On: August 23rd, 2024Comments Off on Approved 2024-25 NorAm Calendar

Photo Credit Mike Morin

The previous NorAm draft calendar scheduled the November women’s slalom and giant slalom races in Loveland. The changes have resulted in women racing giant slalom in Copper and slalom in Aspen. The draft also had the men’s slalom races in Copper, but like the women’s, these races will now be held in Aspen. These are the only changes from the earlier draft.

Both men and women will race at the same resort in Panorama, British Columbia, Kimberley, British Columbia, and, for the final speed events, Sugarloaf, Maine.

2024-25 Women’s NorAm Calendar

click on calendar to enlarge

2024-25 Men’s NorAm Calendar

Click on calendar to enlarge

US Nationals

Additionally, the US Nationals are drafted to be hosted in Vail March 29th through April 1st

The final program is yet to be decided, but the proposed plan is two super-Gs for both genders on Saturday, March 29th. Single-gender GS races will be held on Sunday, March 30th, and Monday, March 31st, and both genders will race SL on Tuesday, April 1

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About the Author: SR Staff Report