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Camp Location:
Mount Hood / Colorado

Camp Dates (2023):
Mount Hood: July 2nd-9th 2024; July 9th-16th 2024
Colorado: Nov. 27th-Dec. 4th 2024

Athlete Ages:
7 – 22

One of the best camps to advance your ski racing knowledge and techniques, from an all-star coaching staff, at two of the best training venues in the US.

OL has consistently seen young campers grow into top national and international performers over the last two and a half decades. Skiers return for years stating they advance their understanding of ski racing and even fall in love with the sport because of the OL way.

Summer training is essential to any ski racers development; people often ask what’s different – why it matters. It’s like immersion learning. In-season training is more like cramming for your next test. At OL we speak and teach a fluency of the sport.

Notable Alumni: OL has had quite a list of attendees who’ve developed into some of America’s best skiers. OL fast skier Alumni include: Jake Zamansky, Nina O’Brien, Foreste Peterson, Erik Arvidsson, Lila Lapanja, Grant Jampolsky, Will Brandenburg, Travis Gnong, Sterling Grant, Ryan Wilson, Jake Lund, Tague Thorson, and many others

Why Should Athletes Attend

OL SkiRacing School defines itself as “higher education for skiers”. We push skiers to think about their skiing differently. It’s too easy to go through the same old motions and bang-away at gates. We have a different approach than what most of our skiers have encountered – and we hire staff that has embraced thinking outside the box. Through the years we’ve had many European coaches and well bred American star racer/coaches that are led by Tony Olin’s openness to innovate. Couple this with an enthusiasm and passion for skiing and ski racing, OL delivers its promise to provide a fantastic training opportunity that started in 1998 with Josee Lacasse and Tony Olin’s long association as racers and coaches themselves.

What is Unique

OL SkiRacing School was formed in 1998, but the association started much earlier than that. 2x Canadian Olympian Josee Lacasse and United States International class racer Tony Olin first met on a podium at the Canadian Nationals in 1983. 7 years later, together they were helping wrangle a growing number of rising US stars under the mentorship of famed coach Erich Sailer. Tony grew up as a protégé under Sailer, eventually helping to mold some of America’s greatest skiers: Kristina Koznick, Tasha Nelson, Sarah Schlepper, Julia Mancuso, to name a few. Tony was the daytime private coach for a young Lindsey Kildow who was dropped off at the hill before school most days – her formative years blossomed into the legendary career of Lindsey Vonn. No stranger to developing successful athletes, it’s always been a goal for OL SkiRacing School that all attendees feel that their skiing is just as important as the best skier on the mountain – everyone is at their own stage of developing into their full potential.

Athlete to coach ratio: 6:1 to 10:1 depending on age and development


“I want to extend a huge thank you for providing our kids such an amazing experience. The quality of coaching and training you provide is outstanding. Our group of 12 kids have such different abilities and you were able to individualize the coaching so each athlete got the most out of the camp. We all learned a lot and I also appreciated being able to listen to your coaching and came away with a great learning opportunity as well.”

Erik A. commented: “you were a big part of the go that got me going”.

Outside On-Snow Training, What Should Athletes Expect

Our main focus is on the hill – learning to ski better, and race better. Rest is a daily affair – followed by a daily dryland component; video furthers the education component. Nightly meetings recap and refocus our attendees on what’s important and what’s expected.