Fenninger’s dispute with Austrian Ski Federation finally tempers

By Published On: June 19th, 2015Comments Off on Fenninger’s dispute with Austrian Ski Federation finally tempers

An ongoing dispute between overall World Cup champion Anna Fenninger and the Austrian Ski Federation (OSV) that centered around her desire to appear in advertising for a competing sponsor appears to have finally found resolution after weeks of volleying between peace and disaster.

tumblr_npzv0cGM1n1uox4v7o1_500Less than one week after a joint statement on June 10 from the federation and Fenninger indicated that all issues were resolved, stating “existing misunderstandings and communication problems have been disposed once and for all,” the Austrian ski star appeared in a print advertisement for the German car manufacturer Mercedes, a direct competitor of the governing body’s sponsor Audi.

“We might still be on speaking terms if this campaign is being discontinued immediately, but otherwise it will have consequences,” OESV president Peter Schroecksnadel told the Austria Press Agency following the appearance of the ad in a magazine on Monday.

Fenninger and her agent Klaus Kaercher then sent an email to media representatives saying they were “very surprised” by Schroeksnadel’s demand, defending her appearance in the ad because “this campaign only relates to Anna Fenninger’s social engagement with Laureus, and her role as ambassador of the Cheetah Conservation Fund.”

Still, Mercedes agreed to cease its use of Fenninger in all promotional materials just after the release of the ad.

A disagreement earlier in the spring between the skier and the OSV also involved her agent Kaercher, who encouraged the athlete to seek financial support for a personal physiotherapist and conditioning coach. Fenninger was forced to leave a team dryland camp in Cyprus early due to the increased media presence after her private email to select team and federation representatives was leaked to the press.

Just last week, the federation and Fenninger reached an agreement to share the costs for the additional physio staff she requested. Still, news reports from a number of Austrian outlets suggested that continued tensions between Kaercher and the federation might still lead to Fenninger competing independently of the Austrian team.

VIENNA,AUSTRIA,18.JUN.15 - ALPINE SKIING - OESV, Oesterreichischer Ski Verband, press conference about Anna Fenninger. Image shows president Peter Schroecksnadel (OESV). Photo: GEPA pictures/ Philipp Brem

OESV President Peter Schroeksnadel. GEPA

Following a peace summit organized on Wednesday by Head Race Director Rainer Salzgeber, Fenninger and Schroeksnadel now say they have finally come to full conclusion on all matters.

“Anna has promised to observe all rules,” said Schroecksnadel. “Salzgeber knew it was important that Anna remained part of the team. … Without the federation’s facilities and without good training, Anna wouldn’t be able to get the same results she has been getting for years now.”

Schroecksnadel said Fenninger also apologized for publicly criticizing him in a Facebook post during the dispute. He blamed Kaercher for instigating the trouble.

“I don’t want to have to deal with him ever again,” said Schroecksnadel. “She has accepted that in the future we want to have no more to do with her manager.”

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