Paige Dehart: The Female Rookie on the Stifel US Ski Team

By Published On: September 10th, 2024Comments Off on Paige Dehart: The Female Rookie on the Stifel US Ski Team

Photos provided by Paige Dehart and SKYDIVING UTAH

This year, Paige Dehart stands out as the only rookie to meet the criteria for the Alpine Stifel US Ski Team. Dehart’s journey to this accomplishment is filled with determination and passion. In an exclusive interview with Ski Racing Media, Paige shared her experiences and aspirations.

Early Life and Background

Dehart, 19, hails from the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation (SVSEF). However, she is originally from Spokane, Washington; Dehart moved to Sun Valley at eight. Her family, primarily Nordic skiers, supported her transition to alpine skiing. Also, her older brother, who switched from Nordic skiing to competitive bike racing, significantly influenced her athletic pursuits.

“I started skiing when I was two,” Dehart recalls. “It was mainly when I moved here [Sun Valley] that I started the Devo program. I fell in love with racing and loved carving from a young age.”

Dehart’s parents were telemark skiers, so they weren’t heavily involved in her alpine training. “They all skied. My parents telemark skied the whole time I was growing up. So, I am not from a huge alpine skiing family; they were not the parents who coached me from a young age or knew anything. I remember my coaches coming up to my parents in U12s, asking, ‘Do you ever tune her skis or do anything to her skis?’ I’m like, no,” she explained. “They did not push me to do all this. It was all driven by me, for sure.”

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Paige Dehart Racing Slalom in Italy Photo provided by Paige Dehart

Skiing Journey

Dehart’s skiing journey is characterized by her love for competition and her versatility in sports. In addition to skiing, she participated in soccer, track, and cross-country before focusing solely on mountain biking and alpine ski racing in middle and high school.

Paige Dehart on MTB Photo supplied by Paige Dehart

“I competed in soccer, track, cross-country, and all that stuff, but then I switched fully to mountain biking and ski racing,” Dehart said. Her highly competitive nature drove her to excel in both sports.

At SVSEF’s suggestion, Dehart spent the past winter in Europe skiing with the Apex2100 International Ski Academy at their Italian base. Reflecting on her experience, she said, “I loved being in Europe… We had great training throughout the winter, even in late March.”

Her time with Apex2100 International Ski Academy in Italy provided her with excellent training facilities and resources. “We had access to world-class coaches and training environments, which helped me improve significantly,” she noted.

Current Skiing Life

Despite her busy schedule, Dehart enjoys free skiing. “Obviously, I love powder skiing and free skiing, but I prefer a fresh groom early in the morning when nobody is up there. For me, my favorite skiing is GS skis on a fresh groom day,” she shared.

Her dedication paid off. As a second-year FIS athlete this season, she earned 320 NorAm points racing slalom and GS. Notably, she scored 115 NorAm points in her first year of FIS.

Dehart enthusiastically described the recent Stifel US Ski Team fitness camp in Utah. “We just had conditioning camp this last week, and we went skydiving on Thursday,” she said. “They didn’t tell us we were going skydiving. All week on the schedule, it just said, ‘hell session,’ and we had no idea what was coming. Then, they drove us to the location, and suddenly, we were skydiving!”

She continued, “I was the first one to jump. They opened the door, and my legs were hung out of the plane two seconds later. I thought, ‘Oh boy, this is happening.’ The instructor pushed me out, and we were free-falling for about a minute. It was so much fun!”

Paige Dehart Sky Diving at Stifel US Ski Team fitness camp Photo SKYDIVING UTAH

Training Regimen

Dehart’s training regimen is rigorous and well-structured, focusing on physical fitness and technical skills. “Our training involves a mix of on-snow training, gym workouts, and conditioning camps,” she explained. “We spend a lot of time on core strength, endurance, and agility exercises to ensure we’re in great shape for the season.”

Excitement and Future Plans

Learning about her nomination to the Stifel US Ski Team was a gradual realization for Dehart. “After the second round of NorAms and definitely after the third round, I thought, ‘Okay, I am looking pretty good,'” she said. However, she felt excitement and relief when her status was confirmed this spring.

Dehart continues to pursue her passion for skiing while balancing academics. She plans to take online classes this year and is considering attending school full-time in the future. Her favorite disciplines are Slalom (SL) and Giant Slalom (GS), although she is open to adding more speed event starts.

Reflecting on her favorite event, Dehart said, “I would say it goes back and forth probably every year [between SL and GS], but there are different aspects of both that I love a lot.

Inspirations and Aspirations

Throughout her career, Dehart has drawn inspiration from her competitors and peers. She shared, “Elisabeth Bocock and I grew up racing together; there is a competitive fire between us.” Based on the upcoming season’s results, she aims to move up within the ski team.

Paige Dehart Photo U.S. Ski & Snowboard

Next Big Goal

Dehart’s career goal is to impact the international skiing stage. “My focus is improving my performance and someday showing consistency in World Cup races. I want to make a name for myself and secure a spot among the top competitors,” she said. With her eyes set on achieving excellence, Dehart is determined to push her limits and reach new heights.

Ski Racing Media’s Takeaway

Paige Dehart’s story is one of passion, dedication, and continuous pursuit of excellence. As she embarks on her journey with the Stifel US Ski Team, she brings a wealth of experience and a competitive spirit. Ski Racing Media looks forward to following her promising career and witnessing her future achievements.

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About the Author: Peter Lange

Lange is the current Publisher of Ski Racing Media. However, over 38 seasons, he enjoyed coaching athletes of all ages and abilities. Lange’s experience includes leading Team America and working with National Team athletes from the United States, Norway, Austria, Australia, and Great Britain. He was the US Ski Team Head University Coach for the two seasons the program existed. Lange says, “In the end, the real value of this sport is the relationships you make, they are priceless.”